Thief 3 1.1 Patch

Thief 3 Sneaky Upgrade mod for Thief: Deadly Shadows Thief: Deadly Shadows v1.1 Patch

The Sneaky Upgrade is out. Bugfixes and small improvements. Everyone should update.

A nasty issue, which could cause the game to start windowed or fullscreen at a suboptimal refresh rate, is fixed. Thanks to noblehelm for reporting it.

An installer bug, which would impolitely confuse Italians with an error message and a path selection dialogue is fixed too. Thanks to Linda for reporting this issue. If your game locale is Italian, and you ve previously given up on installing the SU, please try again now.

A bug causing weird-looking video on old graphics cards requiring power-of-2 sized textures

has been fixed for the original videos, at the expense of the briefing videos looking weird now but only on this old hardware.

The installer will now by default disable desktop themes on Windows 10. There s some indication this fix is not as effective on Win10 but it s definitely still better than nothing.

Logging is now on the Info level by default, and both the current log file and the backup can be accessed through the start menu. The Windows version is now logged correctly for Win8.1 and Win10.

The in-game brightness setting is broken on Windows 10, with or without this patch. There s currently no fix for this.

The mods are unchanged, so to update an existing install the Standard Edition will do

For new installs, get the Fat Edition with the bundled mods

Finally the Editor Edition for T3 mappers, not players has been updated to include the new game exe.

  • Jun 18, 2004  Description: Thief: Deadly Shadows v1.1 Patch This is a patch for Thief: Deadly Shadows upgrading your stealthy action game to version 1.1 and fixing the.
  • You are logged in as. Please submit your review for Thief: Deadly Shadows patch.
  • You are Garrett, the master thief. Rarely seen and never caught, Garrett is the best that ever was. Able to sneak past any guard, pick any lock, and break into the.

Thief: Deadly Shadows is a stealth video game where the player takes the role of Garrett, a master thief. It is set in a fantasy/steampunk world resembling a cross.

File Info: Thief: Deadly Shadows v1.1 Patch


Thief: Deadly Shadows v1.1 Patch







Also known as:

Thief 3, Thief III

Description: Thief: Deadly Shadows v1.1 Patch

This is a patch for Thief: Deadly Shadows upgrading your stealthy action game to version 1.1 and fixing the difficulty resetting. See below for all the details.

Thief: Deadly Shadows - Patch v1.1

1.1 Items Fixed

1. Difficulty Settings not working properly with the Save/Load system. This patch fixes the problem the player has with the game resetting the difficulty from Expert or Hard to Normal, or from Easy to Normal, when the game is re-loaded in-mission or if the player transitions more than once in any mission.

The patch is self extracting; simply download the patch to your desktop and unzip it using Winzip. Double-click the file Thief Deadly Shadows Patch.exe to install.

1.2 Known Issues

1. If the user has manually edited any of the configuration . ini files in the Thief:Deadly Shadows directory we strongly recommend that the user uninstall and reinstall the retail version of the game, and then apply the patch. Failure to do so will likely result in the patch being unable to install correctly.

2. Pre-patched saved games should be 100 compatible with version 1.1

3. If the user chooses to restart a mission after loading a save game, the user must select the appropriate level of difficulty from the Difficulty menu.

4. The game s version number changes from v1.0 to v1.1.

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RELOADED CRACK ONLY FULL GAME TORRENT UNLOCKED VERSION UPDATE 1 2 Garrett, the Master Thief, steps out of the shadows into the City. In this.

Thief: Deadly Shadows v1.1 Patchfree full download Euro Truck Simulator 2 v1.22 Patch Deployed, Demo Ava.. Euro Truck Simulator 2 v1.21 Patch Deployed, New.

LINKS INTERCHANGEABLE. We have just made public a new version of the PC version of Thief, v1.4 build 4133.3. This patch will address the following issues.

Mar 21, 2014  Hello everyone and welcome to yet another Low Specs Patch video on my channel Low Specs Patch is a pack of configured files and config files which will.

thief 3 1.1 patch